
One of our aims is to promote the performance and appreciation of music and social activities within the locality.

We do this in a variety of ways throughout the year: whether it’s pulling the community together to stage a large-scale musical production in the Palace Theatre; producing numerous concerts around Ayrshire; performing at big community events like the Christmas lights switch-on and Kilmarnock Festival or hosting social events such as our summer fete and ceilidh and cabaret evenings. We also recently funded an annual shield for Loudoun Academy to be presented to the best musical theatre performer/vocalist during prize-giving. We put a lot of work into organising these events and are continually delighted by how well they are supported by the public.

Our second aim is to support other organisations and charities. We often do this by providing entertainment for local organisations or guilds who are putting on fundraising events. And when we can, we donate directly to worthy causes. Here are just a few of the causes we’ve supported over the years – click on the charity name to find out more about them.

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